An Only Representative (OR) is a legal entity appointed by a non-EU manufacturer to act for them under the EU REACH regulation. The OR takes on the responsibilities of the non-EU manufacturer for fulfilling the obligations of REACH, which include registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals. 


In the UK, as a result of the Brexit agreement, a UK-based OR may be required for companies that previously appointed an EU-based OR to comply with REACH regulations in the EU. It is advisable for companies to appoint a UK-based OR to ensure that they can continue operating in the UK as smoothly as possible.


To act as an OR in the UK, the legal entity should be based and incorporated in the UK and have the expertise and resources to fulfill the OR duties under UK REACH. The OR should have the capability to manage the registrations of non-UK manufacturers within the UK REACH regulations and communicate with the UK authorities effectively.


It's important to note that appointing an OR does not remove the responsibility of compliance from the non-EU manufacturer. The non-EU manufacturer is ultimately responsible for ensuring that their substances comply with UK REACH regulations, which includes providing the necessary data and documentation to the OR for registration.


In summary, appointing a competent UK-based OR is crucial for non-UK manufacturers to comply with UK REACH. The OR should possess the expertise to manage the registration process and communicate with regulatory authorities effectively to ensure compliance.