uk reach

Purposes of UK REACH

The UK REACH regulation was introduced with the aim of reducing the risks posed by chemicals and ensuring their safe use within the UK. The main pu...

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What is UK REACH?

UK-REACH stands for UK Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. It is a UK-specific version of the European Union's REA...

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Duties under UK REACH

UK REACH is the UK-specific version of the European Union's REACH regulations. It requires businesses to identify and manage the risks posed by the ...

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Yes, UK’s REACH is in action. The UK has implemented its own version of the EU's REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of ...

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Which Substance Excluded for UK REACH ?

Under the UK REACH regulation, a few items are specifically excluded from registration requirements. These Substance include:   1. Rad...

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What is the diffrence of EU and UK REACH

The main difference between EU REACH and UK REACH is that they are two separate regulatory frameworks governing the use and management of chemicals....

uk reach

What is the DUIN on UK REACH?

DUIN stands for Downstream User Import Notification, which is a requirement under UK REACH for downstream users that import chemical substances into...

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What is Guidance for new registrant ?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of UK REACH, the UK's regulatory framework for the regis...

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Comply with UK REACH?

The UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation is the UK's standalone chemical regulation post-Brex...

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Essentials of UK REACH

UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is a standalone chemical regulation introduced in the UK to ensure ...

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Marketing in the UK -NRES

In the UK, marketing a substance as a new registrant of an existing substance requires compliance with the requirements of the UK Registration, Eval...

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Authorisation decisions

Under the UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation, authorization decisions are made when certain...

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OR Service in the UK

An Only Representative (OR) is a legal entity appointed by a non-EU manufacturer to act for them under the EU REACH regulation. The OR takes on the ...

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Under the EU's REACH regulation, Article 26 requires the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to make an inquiry to determine whether a substance that h...

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Where do I start to comply with?

The first step to comply with UK-REACH is to determine if your business is affected by the regulation. UK-REACH requires companies to register subst...

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Time to comply with UK REACH?

It is difficult to give an exact timeframe for compliance with UK-REACH. Compliance timelines will depend on your company's size, the number of subs...
