In the UK, marketing a substance as a new registrant of an existing substance requires compliance with the requirements of the UK Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (UK REACH) regulation. 


As a new registrant, you will need to submit a registration application with the UK REACH IT system and provide all the necessary data about your substance, including its properties, uses, potential hazards, and environmental impact. You will also need to pay a registration fee.


You should be aware that as a new registrant, you will not be the data owner of the substance, so you will need to negotiate with the existing registrants to share the data needed to support your registration. This can involve negotiations on data sharing and joint submission of data.


Once your substance is registered, you also need to comply with any restrictions or conditions imposed on the substance. You should communicate relevant safety information to your customers and provide instructions for safe use.


In terms of marketing, you can promote your substance within the limited scope of the UK REACH regulation. You may make available your registration and associated information to downstream users, and this information may also be added to the Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) database.


Overall, as a new registrant of an existing substance, compliance with the UK REACH regulation is critical for marketing your substance in the UK. Ensuring that you have fulfilled all the necessary requirements will help you promote your substance and maintain your business reputation