UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) is a standalone chemical regulation introduced in the UK to ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment from chemical risks.


The following are the essentials of UK REACH:


1. Registration: Any chemical substance manufactured or imported into the UK, either alone or as part of a mixture, in quantities of one tonne or more per year, must be registered. This includes substances used in industrial processes, professional use, and consumer use.


2. Evaluation: The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will evaluate registered substances to check if they comply with the regulatory standards, and any risks posed by the substance will be assessed.


3. Authorization: If a substance is deemed to have a significant risk, its use may be restricted or subjected to an authorization requirement. Companies must apply for the authorization to use such substances.


4. Restriction: UK REACH will restrict the use of certain hazardous substances in various sectors to protect human health and the environment, as well as ensure sustainable use.


5. Data sharing: Under UK REACH, companies must share data needed to ensure that the use of chemicals is safe. This can include data on the physico-chemical, toxicological, and ecotoxicological properties of a substance.


6. Communication: Manufacturers and importers must communicate with their downstream users with relevant safety information about the substances they use.


7. Only Representative (OR): Companies not based in the UK must appoint an Only Representative (OR) based in the country to register their substances under UK REACH.


By complying with UK REACH essentials, businesses can ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment, and continue to manufacture and market their substances within the regulatory framework.