The UK REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation is the UK's standalone chemical regulation post-Brexit.


The following are the steps to comply with UK REACH:


1. Determine your obligations: Identify whether you have a duty to register with UK REACH by checking the substance inventory and determining if the requirements apply to you.


2. Collate data: Gather data related to your substances, such as usage, properties, and impacts on human health and the environment.


3. Register: Submit a registration application with the required data on the UK REACH IT system by the applicable deadline.


4. Appoint an Only Representative (OR): If you are not based in the UK, appoint an OR to register your substances in the UK.


5. Evaluate your substances: Your substance will be evaluated by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or by a third-party evaluator appointed by them.


6. Comply with restrictions: Ensure that you comply with any restrictions on the use or sale of your substance in the UK.


7. Communicate with customers: Provide relevant safety information and instructions for safe use to customers and supply chain partners.


8. Maintain records: Keep records of all substances registered with UK REACH and maintain detailed records of compliance with the regulation.


By following these steps, businesses can comply with UK REACH and continue to sell and use substances in the UK.